The Winery with the European Accent

Balic Winery, a vineyard since the early 1900’s, was planted by descendants of early settlers of Mays Landin. Savo Balic, a former vine-grower from the Adriatic Sea, migrated to the United States. In 1966, he fulfilled his lifelong desire to bring European acent to the American Wine-making scene by acquiring the 57 acre vineyare. Savo’s ancestral knowledge and experience has enabled him to produce wines of superior quality. In 1993, Savo’s nephew, bojan Boskovic arrived from Europe to carry on the tradition of the Balic Family. Bojan’s European wine-making knowledge and experience combined with Mr. Balic’s expertise enhances the authenticity of the Balic Chateau in America.

Wine Tastings

Large variety of Wines

  • DRY RED WINES: Red Velvet, Country Red, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alexander the Great.
  • DRY WHITE WINES: Riesling, Napoleon Bonapart, Chardonnay.
  • FRUIT WINES: Blackberry, Blueberry, Rasberry, Cranberry, Cherry, Mango, Pomegranate, Huckleberry.
  • DEMI SEC WINES: Cream Red, Cream White, Rose Supereme, Almanique, Holiday (Spice).
  • APERITIF: Cream Sherry.
  • SPARKLING WINES: Strawberry Spritzer, White Spritzer.

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